Visual studio community 2017 for mac make a color settings file
Visual studio community 2017 for mac make a color settings file

visual studio community 2017 for mac make a color settings file

You can use the Visual Studio search box to find settings, options, and similar configuration items. So, instead of reaching for the mouse to find it, simply hit Ctrl+Q and start typing. This one is particularly useful for commands you don’t remember the keyboard shortcut for. The search results also offer a reminder of where to find this command in the menus as shown in the screenshot below: For example, search for clean sol to quickly find and execute the Clean Solution command. You can use the Visual Studio search box to find menu items and commands. I find it easier to use just a single place for searching. I used to use Go To All… (Ctrl+,) to find files in my solution, but now I just use the Search instead. In the following screenshot, a search for FSS has found a Folder Size Scanner file, class, and method: In the following screenshot, a search for markdown has found the MarkdownMetaExtractor.cs file, the MarkdownMetaExtractor class, and two methods within the solution: In addition to searching the IDE itself, Visual Studio search also searches your solution items for filename, code, method, and other matches.


I do this all the time with some of the custom tool windows provided by the various Visual Studio extensions I use.

visual studio community 2017 for mac make a color settings file

For example, search for test to find and open the Test Explorer window: You can search for windows or panels that you may have accidentally closed. So, I thought it write up some of the ways I use Search to be more productive and share it with you here on the blog. Usage data shows that I’m an outlier and that most Visual Studio users don’t use Search as much as me. It’s useful, it’s fast, and it helps me get my job done. I hit Ctrl+Q to use Search every single day and have for years. So, let’s take a closer look at how you can use Search in your daily work. You might have missed some of the things it can do to help you be more productive and get the most out of Visual Studio. Over the years, the Search feature in Visual Studio has gotten faster and more capable.

Visual studio community 2017 for mac make a color settings file